Friday, March 05, 2010

Race Against the Clock

So, as I return home from another late drinking session (this sounds far more crazy if you are unaware that I don't drink), I am once more cutting it fine to actually make a post before midnight. However, this time I am determined to make it!

This evening was a weird evening, as most discussions at the pub tend to be. This included long, in-depth discussions of music, and also oddly serious discussions about how all men are selfish (I'm sadly not paraphrasing), and whether you can believe in geography or not. I was also alleged to be a very dominant personality, which sounds utterly hilarious to me. Maybe it's true though, I don't really know - it's hard to comment on yourself objectively! A good evening, however, as always.

Finally, thanks to those who responded to my rather silly postering about how I am unloved and noone responds to me. I am clearly quite randomly insecure and paranoid about non-responses!

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

You are actually a very dominant personality type. You tend to take charge when things need to be organized. If you ever noticed, you tend to take some sort of leadership position in almost all games you play.