Monday, March 22, 2010

Comfort in Sound

One thing I've blogged on before is how I always feel better listening to music, especially when there's something I'm more down about! Two songs which I've been listening to last day or so that have made me feel better are, randomly, Buck Rogers by Feeder - principally for the upbeat chorus line, I think we're going to make it. Good sentiment.

Also, for the semi-ironic value, the other one is REM's Half A World Away. This is actually my ringtone when Chrissi rings me, and despite the lyrics being seemingly the opposite to how I feel, it does make me feel better!

Of course, the other way to feel better is to have a good rant. Here's the Guardian podcast from yesterday about the BA strike, with the reporter telling the story of a woman who was having difficulties getting back to Los Angeles and quite annoyed ... yes, you know who!

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