Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Five Minutes

I went onto here to write a post, but was then distracted by other people's recent updates and end up with barely five minutes to write this post. Why five minutes? Well, Doctor Who is on in five minutes, and while yes I can watch it on the iPlayer, it's become a nice ritual to watch it with Chrissi.

So, let me hope that the time-pressure has helped to focus my writing abilities.

Today we went up to London and went to the Globe Theatre. I've never been there myself, so it was enjoyable for me as well as Chrissi! We wandered along the South Bank - I think at that point it's called Bankside - and also saw the Golden Hind, Sir Francis Drake's ship. Stopped for a nice pub lunch which I'm still full from, and then went on our way to Covent Garden.

I always love Covent Garden. Every time I visit, I leave with a nagging feeling that I should've bought something. I often see things I like, typically witty t-shirts. But fearful of adding to my already full collection of witty t-shirts, I never buy any. Perhaps I should simply dispose of the older ones and get in some new ones - it might be an idea!

Three minutes. Excellent, a minute break, then Doctor Who!

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I've spent years collecting those witty shirts for you. We'll just get extra clothes hanging space.