Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Background Noise

All evening there's been a gas van parked at the top of the road, making a non-stop noise. It's likely the sound of some drilling or some other similarly irritating noise - the end result being that as opposed to a peaceful night this has been nagging away in the background, the metaphorical fingernails down the blackboard if you will. It's more annoying as it generates the same sounds (albeit louder) as my computer does - I have this nagging feeling that it's my computer playing up every time I pay attention to it.

This evening Chrissi and I attempted to play a new game we'd bought but after an hour during which we only got confused at the large number of pieces and the huge rulebook we decided that we'd call this evening's game "getting the pieces out of the packaging" and return to this another time.

I was nearly due to be dispatched to Gaydon tomorrow, but fortunately a last minute meeting cancellation meant that I didn't have to get up earlier and spend most of my day travelling there and back - something which I'm most grateful for. Particularly as it would have meant I'd have missed out on pizza, which was being provided for us at work originally as bribery for attending a business update and now that the business update isn't happening as a 'well done for working hard recently' reward.

To complete the healthy day, tomorrow evening I head on to poker where I will eat similarly healthily.

1 comment:

Relaya said...

What was the game?