Thursday, March 07, 2013

Two Starts

There were two potential starts to the day, as I had it planned. A meeting in London this morning at 10:30 meant that I was starting from home, as opposed to heading out to Godalming and then back in to London, a rather pointless journey.

The first would have me rising at normal time, a little after 6am, and to head to my car where I would drive to the local leisure centre. Taking advantage of the early start, I could have a good swim for an hour, perhaps even a little more depending on my dedication, and then return home, shower, get prepared for the day ahead and leave in a timely manner having had a refreshing start.

The second would instead allow me to take advantage of the closer proximity to my starting point for the day, and enjoy a little more time in bed. As opposed to rising between 6am-6:30, I could instead sleep in bed until a couple of hours later, and still have time to leisurely get up, dressed, shower (not in that order) and get ready for work.

I decided last night to take the wise course of action and let my snooze button decide - I would simply see how I reacted when I woke up. Sometimes I feel fresh and awake and willing to get on with the day; others I'm quite happy to stay curled under the covers for as long as possible. Fighting tiredness by getting up early made no sense; taking advantage of an early start did.

I'll leave you to take an educated guess as to which one of these two scenarios actually played out ...

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