Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Morning Surprise

So this week is mostly car-themed events, because that's the main new thing going on at the moment and also where most of the amusing stories are coming from.

This morning I had an odd predicament - my car wouldn't start. Or rather, I couldn't start my car, the distinction being important. There was no issue with the vehicle itself - the battery, engine, etc were all fine. I simply couldn't turn the key in the ignition. I had not had this problem the previous evening, or yesterday morning. Chrissi then came to have a look, as she was leaving a little after me, and was met with similar lack of success.

In the end, I found the result by browsing through the manual - that I needed to do so in order to start my car seemed a little strange. The issue was that as I was parked facing uphill on a moderate incline, it wanted you to have the clutch partially down before it would accept the key being turned in the ignition. This can be understood, but at the same time is absurdly strange.

I started the car and the journey to work passed without incident. Tomorrow there'll be a break from car-related stories as I'm working from home (morning and afternoon) and attending a meeting in central London inbetween. I'm sure something there will inspire a tale.

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