Friday, August 17, 2012

Walking Oddities

As I sauntered home this evening, idly thinking of material that could be used for my blog today - as I intended to keep this run going - two odd events within five minutes gave me enough to mention.

Firstly, I reacted in horror as I felt something land on my head. Fearing the worst, I reached up and found not the anticipated-with-dread wet patch indicating that I had become a passing bird's impromptu toilet, but instead a fly. Considering flies are usually skittish at best and paranoid at worst, the fact that it had (a) dropped out of the sky and (b) having done so, allowed me to pick it up while evicting it from my hair. I'm not sure fly is still the right description - and so it continued as when I lightly flicked it on its merry way, it merely dropped like the proverbial stone to the floor under my oncoming shoe.

The second odd moment was that I accidentally 'love'd somebody. In politely suggesting that the idiotic woman - standing in the middle of the pavement gawping at the distant bus - move out of the way to allow fellow pavement-users past, I uttered the phrase 'excuse me, love'. Suddenly my sentence had been transplanted from many hundreds of miles north, a surprising relocation for any collection of words. I then chuckled to myself at the surprise - although saying that, she did move. I'll grant her that. And probably felt slightly patronised by me addressing her as love.

More depth is warranted to my inspiration tomorrow, I suspect.

1 comment:

Emmie-lou said...

Hehe...glad to see we rubbed off on you a little bit!