Saturday, August 18, 2012

March in August

Today marks the first post-midnight blog of the new blogging regime; a not particularly noteworthy fact but a point of interest all the same.

This evening Chrissi and I watched Ides of March, a LoveFilm DVD we have had sitting by the TV for far too long. I saw the trailer for this what must have been ages ago (I can't honestly recall when it would have been), and thought it looked quite interesting. A renter, definitely - I'm always more partial to the political style thrillers and it seemed like it had some potential.

It wasn't bad. It was just ... average. The plot wasn't spectacular. There was obviously no action to speak of. Because of the content (set in one presidential primary) it didn't have a definitive start point or an end point, so it was hard to see how they would end it cleanly (they didn't). Characters were fairly cookie-cutter for political stereotypes, nothing spectacular all round. It was interesting but not absorbing.

Overall, just watch a couple of choice episodes of the West Wing, in my opinion.

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