Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Gap

After a week of success, I fell at the eighth hurdle yesterday by failing to blog. This was an odd oversight, as I actually had some material to discuss - mainly follow up to my musings on the weather. Monday was actually cool, until I got in the office and the air conditioning was broken, and noone had managed to react to this sensibly by perhaps opening some windows. It was fixed in the afternoon, but the morning was irritating as a result.

I also spent some of Monday following the England vs South Africa test match in the cricket - was a tighter finish than it could have been earlier on, but in reflection South Africa the deserved victors. A couple of tight moments in the game could have ended up the other way round with the result - but over the series the Proteas were the better side.

This is a neat segue into a mention of my Battrick team which I have also recently started again at. I'm idly watching their current first class match in another window, and their opponents have managed a collapse that the masters England would have been proud of, slipping from 248/4 to 261 all out (helped by an immense spell of 6-5-5-4 from paceman Nyron Lebenthle).

The start of the previous sentence prompts a second diversion, as I note with amusement if you type in 'segue' to google - as I did to verify the spelling - the second option you're presented with is 'segue way'. It's worth visiting the results for some of the horrendous and inadvertently comical examples of English that are the result.

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