Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today my weekly world was shattered as I played football on a Tuesday after work. This is most unusual and has never happened before. For my American readers I should clarify that yesterday was a bank holiday, so no work and no football.

In another departure from our regular reality, I didn't play terribly, most notably in goal. With surprising enthusiasm I threw myself about, making several moderately decent saves. Strange things happen on Tuesdays.

Finally, I said I wouldn't keep a count or update on every detail, but today means only 40 days to go.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

False Optimism

So the optimistic assumption that tonight would be the night I burst into action was lamentably false. It wasn't in the slightest, I watched football and idly read and wrote stuff on the computer. Fun, but not what I was going for!

Today I have achieved little although did make a fair bit of progress at work. I also spent a significant amount of time writing responses to Mark's throwaway comment on Facebook which turned into a full-blown discussion about religion, athiesm and evolution. You all know how good I am at steering away from putting my tuppence worth into those discussions!

May inspire me to actually write something a little longer on here about it again at some point.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Myth of Achievements

As I said at the beginning of the week, I was expecting that I might get a little more done in the evenings. Mainly due to my broken computer not being a distraction. This has so far not transpired. I remain relentlessly optimistic that this will be the case tomorrow, however!

Most wedding details are now finalised with the hiring of a DJ at the weekend. It seems odd though that we got the booking at this venue due to a couple splitting up and cancelling - and by bizarre coincidence, have now re-hired the same DJ they were going to use. Almost feels like we are stealing another couple's wedding!

Next thing really is waiting for people to reply to invitations - assuming they get them at least! I expected some to have got them by now considering they were posted beginning of last week, but have heard nothing, nor got the ones sent to me to distribute at work - so who knows!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Quite Distracting

This evening I have so far spent most of my time enjoying the youtube app on my phone and obsessively watching QI. It's a fantastic way to spend any time, and I have managed to spend the majority of the evening on it.

I have also checked on my computer-to-be's status (current progress: pre-production), and exchanged further stupid song suggestions with Chrissi in our continual battle to find the most inappropriate possible song - or at least utterly out of synch with tradition.

Tomorrow I may do something more productive of the evening. Unlikely though!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Today is Monday and the first weekday as I come back from work without knowing quite what to do with myself due to there being no computer to instantly waste my evening on. In a way, this is a good thing.

However, as tonight was football, this didn't actually bother me that much! It was a good hour and a half once more running around with some occasional moments of slightly better play - playing on a weekly basis is starting to pay off, and I did score three goals as well (miraculously). This sounds not so good when I point out that due to a missing player it was 5v4, and the final score was something absurd like 24-17. However, I was happy with my small triumph.

The health benefits of playing were immediately undone when in a silly act of hunger on reaching the station, I then bought something to snack on which undid and more any small strides I may have taken towards greater fitness.

To change tack, I promised I wouldn't over-countdown, but this weekend marks both seven weeks and under 50 days until our wedding. Exciting!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Productive Weekend?

So my prophetic post on Friday was indeed accurate, and the video card (which I am now fairly confident it is) has collapsed so it's not only an issue on booting, but an issue once booted if I try to do something radical like switch windows.

This weekend, therefore, I have been working on purchasing a new computer and after looking around a few generic sites and a few specialist ones, found one recommended that looked rather good - essentially they build it on-spec as you like it. The fantastic thing about this is that it's usually cheaper than the same spec from a normal supplier, and also it's not filled with masses of trial software and other bloatware that you don't want.

After playing a bit with some different options I did go with this and made the purchase earlier this evening. A very nice PC, and while it was a little more than I planned on paying, I have a really good machine that will last me a good while. Should arrive next weekend or weekend after, I'll see.

Besides that, the lack of a computer has forced me to have a more productive weekend. I've sorted out my room a little, done some overdue tidying and ironing, and generally felt more productive - even if this 'productivity' has mostly taken the shape of watching football on TV, etc. I'll see how this goes throughout the week too, may be a theme of me actually tidying away odd chores and going to bed on time! Time will tell.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Offline Course

Looks quite likely that I may be forced offline for the near future as it feels like my computer is grinding to a halt. The screen flickers and seems to have memory issues, mainly on booting. I'm getting the feeling that after six years of near-constant use it is finally on its last legs.

Once it's booted it seems to be okay, at least it's running. I may start to peer around at possible replacements this weekend, start to get an idea. Even if I can force it to work after two-three boots, it's still an inconvenience. I'm going to grab all data and similar off it tonight while it's still alive and responsive.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Two Out Of Four

So this week, half of my post-work evenings have ended in the pub, with football taking up Monday evening and probably another trip to the pub due tomorrow, what with it being both Friday and payday.

As I don't drink it doesn't bother me, but I probably should be a little concerned that this is becoming a regular evening event. Mainly because going to the pub after work typically is representative of a bit of a frustrating day and blowing off steam afterwards (unless there is football on or similar). So twice or thrice in one week, and regularly for a few weeks now? Probably not a good sign.

In other news, thanks to Russell for his pro tips on how to avoid the family trip dilemma as posted on Tuesday. We may be taking your route. I say we, but I'm not going - either way, could be a sensible plan.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Most Complicated Plans

So as you may be aware my wedding is in California, and some of my family are kindly making the trip over to see me get married - very nice, I have to say.

However, what amuses me considerably is that without doubt the most complicated thing to organise of the entire event is precisely what my Dad is doing. Dad, Gill and Rachel are sensibly taking the opportunity, once in the US, to actually do something before heading back straight away. Perfectly good idea because it's a long way to go only to turn around and come straight back.

The plans have been creative, from the specific train they had to take from somewhere on the San Francisco Bay to Chicago (shelved), a trip back flying to New York (shelved) or Washington (shelved), or possibly hiring a car and driving up the coast to San Fransisco, Oregon and all the way to Seattle, flying back from there (latest plan to be shelved - too much driving!).

The current plan, which I this weekend suggested and am actually surprised this hasn't been previous considered - a more realistic driving trip around California, still seeing the Big Sur coastline and San Francisco, but then looping around through Sacremento, Northern California, possibly Yosemite and finishing with a couple of days in Vegas. Much more manageable, much less driving and probably a good deal more enjoyable too.

We'll see if this plan will also be shelved, but they are running out of time somewhat! I'm grateful my own part of the organisation is considerably more straightforward!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Action

So this evening was football, which had an amusing start as for the umpteenth time the groundsman didn't bother to actually open the gates. There is a gap in the gates, however - enough that you can clamber up and over and in - although coming out could prove more problematic.

As we weren't going to wait or waste our game, we decided to go for it. A little later the groundsman did appear to open the gates. A good thing too, as after nearly ninety minutes of 4v4 (two players didn't make it), I think I'd have struggled to climb over anything! A good game, however - gradually getting better and hopefully somewhat fitter too. We'll see anyway, as a week off usually destroys the small gains I make!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Trilogy

I'm thinking I must be on a slightly more positive view recently, as I seem to be blogging a little more. Usually I stop posting when I have little to add or what I do have to add, I don't really want to complain about it by virtue of adding it!

My thoughts, if not my time, are dominated by wedding plans at the moment. This is perhaps not unexpected, but it does still surprise me a little I suppose! Today marks eight weeks until the wedding, which seems both a long time away and very soon - very soon from the point that I think I still have a lot to get sorted. But equally a long way away in that it is going to be a while before we get there and that is only the start of it!

In other unrelated news, I've tried to start writing a bit more, and this has not been as productive as I hoped - but we'll see how this goes. I've theoretically been 'writing' this one idea for nearly a year, and in practice I have a handful of paragraphs and a few unconnected ideas. I'll see on that one.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's Back

So the football season kicks off again today, as we approach the final whistle in the majority of games at the moment. It's exciting stuff, possibly, although I am getting less and less interested. While I'll watch the odd game and obviously read about them, I'm not really enthused as I used to be. Too predictable, too money-dominated and too mediocre.

In countdown news, shockingly a mere 57 days to go.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday 13th!

Weekend approaches once more, and I have again very little planned for this weekend - always a sign of success. Among exciting tasks rearing their ugly heads are ironing and ... actually, mainly just ironing!

Another random task this weekend is to help Dad get to grips with his new phone. Having multiple buttons, this is obviously confusing. Unwilling to just do what you do to learn something new - i.e. press buttons and see what happens - he is instead expecting me to tell him how to do it. This is so far taking place by me pressing buttons and seeing what happens, then telling him what happened!

I'd also like to take the opportunity to thank my readers for their response to yesterday's blog, delighted that so many of you also experienced unpleasant public urination sightings. Most enthusiastic response I've had in months.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Love Where I Live ...

This evening on the way back from poker, I was reminded as to why Woking is such a wonderful place to live when I encountered (at 9:45 at night, no later) a drunk guy urinating on a bus stop. With little subtelty about it either.

At least, I presume he was drunk. I didn't stop to check. I really, really hope he was, because if he was just lazy that's just rather tragic and pathetic! Oh, and he got off at my stop too.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

According to Plan

So I surprisingly didn't blog either Monday or Tuesday, despite having ample time. According to my approach, this surely means I had two constructive days?

Well, this is partially true. Among things I have organised is tickets to the US (mostly - I still need to send my travel credit coupons from May), getting a phone for Dad (a long overdue task which is technically a hangover from his birthday, i.e. May) and finalising my address-chasing quests.

In case you're wondering at the odd timing of this blog, I have this afternoon off - completing my time off in lieu allocation from July. Two and a half day week is good, I heartily recommend it!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Extended Weekend

In return for the many hours which I sacrificed in blood, sweat and tears for work over July, I have in return been granted two and a half days of time off in lieu. These are being taken this coming Monday, Tuesday and a half-day of Wednesday afternoon. According to the previously noted laws of blogging, as I am planning to do nothing I will therefore be blogging a lot.

My day yesterday was of moderate success, the main triumphs being a haircut and not much else. Today I have sorted out some more wedding details to help finalise what will be going out with the invitations. The other achievement was filling a charity donation bag with lots of abandoned clothes from the back of my wardrobe, to attempt to clean that out a little.

We're now only nine weeks away from the wedding (in fact, as I write this it is pretty much exactly nine weeks to the time when the reception will be hosted). So far it's difficult. Not in terms of doing what we want, or finding places, or the more traditional wedding worries. Our main issue is continual difficulties in getting what we want, even on simple subjects.

Perhaps I'm being too selfish on our behalf. I don't know. But I feel that when it's a wedding, it should be about the couple and what they want. If not, then what's the point?

Monday, August 02, 2010

Blogging Paradox

I've remarked before of the paradox I typically have when blogging. When I have nothing to say, I have lots of time to say it in. When I'm busier, then I never find the time to talk about all the many things I may be doing!

Tonight was football, which was pleasant. Last week I was busy with work which involved a lot of time and a couple of evenings of dedication. Not much more on that though, because talking about work is rather boring usually.

However, it's that or become one of those insufferable people who, just because I've gotten engaged and therefore happen to be planning a wedding, feel the need to share every detail about it with everyone. Fortunately, at work other people have appointed themselves town criers on my behalf, so I don't actually need to tell everyone as they will do it for me.