Friday, April 09, 2010

Normal Timing

I'm not being deliberately lax with the blogging, but yesterday's absence was due to not getting home until 1:30am. This was slightly annoying.

I was playing poker after work, but I was also helping with a release. This meant that while poker finished just after 10 (with delays due to myself and others working on the release inbetween times), I was still at work at 11:40pm. Not the place you want to be, really, at that time.

The release took a long, long time to deploy due to one slow-running script. I'll avoid more detail for those less technically inclined (although mainly because I don't understand much more myself!). However, it meant that instead of finishing by 8 or 9, it wasn't done until much much later.

Train from Raynes Park at 23:49, to Surbiton just before midnight. Train from Surbiton got me to Woking at 00:30 - and from there I walked home. I was a little sluggish getting up this morning, needless to say!

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