Thursday, October 15, 2009

Home Away From Home

So here I am once again, sitting in Chrissi's room and composing a blog entry. As previously mentioned, this trip I've first called in to relatives in Canada - which was very enjoyable. It also had the successful achievement of breaking down my trip into two chunks, which is a bit of a change from the eleven hour marathon flights out here!

As usual, despite doing many things, I don't have much in the way of things to post. One thing does come to mind though.

On the Air Canada entertainment system, they play a multitude of adverts before any program you select - mostly adverts for Air Canada, bizarrely! One of these was along the lines of 'where would you rather be?', showcasing all interesting destinations that Air Canada fly to. I suppose this is relevant to mention because to me, the overwhelming thought was that where I'd really rather be is here with Chrissi.

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