Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So I'm back to 'normality' now, if you can call it such a thing. I've not been away for that long - only a week and a half - but because I've been to so many places (well, two) it feels a lot longer.

Highlights of my trip:

Seeing everyone in Canada. Was great to catch up with people again and I'm delighted that I made the trip this way, as it was long overdue. A very convivial long weekend.

The E190 for my flight from Halifax-Montreal and Los Angeles-Vancouver. They're gorgeous little planes; only two seats either side of the aisle, but they are very comfortable and considering I'm usually not a fan of flying, extremely enjoyable.

Spending time with Chrissi, obviously. Always great to see her and spend time with her. Also nice to catch up with other people while I was there, and I enjoy that as well! We didn't do particularly much this trip - Chrissi's work schedule saw to that - but the Aquarium of the Pacific was a nice day out.

However, tragically the chief highlight of my trip I think was when landing at LAX from Montreal. This is solely because I was watching a TV program (the excellent Spaced) on the entertainment system, and at the very moment we touched down, the theme tune from the A-Team was playing. It is impossible to describe just how cool this was.

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