Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Small Things

Yesterday I was off work ill with some form of nasal oppression going on. It wasn't particularly bad - just annoying - and I went through the best part of a box and a half of tissues in the day. Today however I was much better, thanks in part to the common sense approach of resting, not straining myself and also taking remedies to address the problem!

This evening's return journey from work was plagued by annoyances. After the regular buses stop, there are two trains an hour which intersect perfectly with my two buses, an hour. Today I arrived at Clapham Junction to find that - as it arrived at the station - one of these trains had suddenly been changed so as not to stop at Woking. The next train did not intersect so kindly, so faced with a 25 minute wait for a bus I opted instead for the 40 minute walk!

The other irritation was that my earphones broke as I plugged them in - deciding that I really did need sound in only one of the ears. This seems to be a repeated flaw with these earphones and it is becoming vexing. I will buy some more, probably tomorrow night, and then rant at a later date about how flimsy they are when they in turn break.

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