Thursday, February 17, 2011

Single Digits

Today marks the day that the countdown until Chrissi arrives went into single digits. It is a mere nine days until she lands, which is extremely exciting for me (and I'm sure slightly terrifying for her). As you can tell, I'm quite clearly looking forward to it - will be nice, if a little odd for both of us.

This evening I am listening to an impulse purchase that I picked up while in town on the way home. I was heading to buy earphones - see yesterday's blog - but also saw a couple of albums by a band that friends at work have been repeatedly recommending. I had a listen to their stuff yesterday and was most impressed, so decided to pick the CDs up for myself while I saw them. So far, so good.

Oh, the band is The National, in case you were wondering, as I notice I didn't mention that yet. I'm sure you're all already aware of them but I had not heard anything by them.

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