Monday, February 14, 2011

Early Monday Horror

This evening it is a blog posted on a Monday before half seven - a surprise, considering usually at this time I am still making my way back from football. Today is different, however. Football wasn't on today due to a large number of people being unable to play - likely something to do with it being Valentine's Day.

Now, as you can expect I have strong opinions on Valentine's Day and am not a fan. It does seem to be a remarkably hollow sentiment, that what you do for an entire year does not matter as long as you tick all the boxes on this one day. I am all for good and loving relationships the entire year round and not letting one day be held up as the only time that the other is thought of.

This is before we even get onto the commercialisation of the day. Having read supplements in the papers this week advising on perfect cards, gifts, trips, roses, chocolates, perfumes, colognes, underwear, makeup, etc, etc, without any of which it can't be that same special day, it becomes extremely tedious.

Really, you don't need any of that for a day about the person you love, and nor does it need to be restricted to one day of the year. Personally, I'm looking twelve days forward to when Chrissi arrives here, when I'm sure we'll do just fine without all of the above and on a different day of the year.

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