Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ten Day Break

It has surprisingly been ten days since I last blogged. I am not sure quite why there has been a particular absence in the blogosphere - if it is even still called that. However, I am making up for that now.

Since I last blogged Chrissi became a UK resident. This is very exciting!

More on this later, I am sure.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Single Digits

Today marks the day that the countdown until Chrissi arrives went into single digits. It is a mere nine days until she lands, which is extremely exciting for me (and I'm sure slightly terrifying for her). As you can tell, I'm quite clearly looking forward to it - will be nice, if a little odd for both of us.

This evening I am listening to an impulse purchase that I picked up while in town on the way home. I was heading to buy earphones - see yesterday's blog - but also saw a couple of albums by a band that friends at work have been repeatedly recommending. I had a listen to their stuff yesterday and was most impressed, so decided to pick the CDs up for myself while I saw them. So far, so good.

Oh, the band is The National, in case you were wondering, as I notice I didn't mention that yet. I'm sure you're all already aware of them but I had not heard anything by them.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Small Things

Yesterday I was off work ill with some form of nasal oppression going on. It wasn't particularly bad - just annoying - and I went through the best part of a box and a half of tissues in the day. Today however I was much better, thanks in part to the common sense approach of resting, not straining myself and also taking remedies to address the problem!

This evening's return journey from work was plagued by annoyances. After the regular buses stop, there are two trains an hour which intersect perfectly with my two buses, an hour. Today I arrived at Clapham Junction to find that - as it arrived at the station - one of these trains had suddenly been changed so as not to stop at Woking. The next train did not intersect so kindly, so faced with a 25 minute wait for a bus I opted instead for the 40 minute walk!

The other irritation was that my earphones broke as I plugged them in - deciding that I really did need sound in only one of the ears. This seems to be a repeated flaw with these earphones and it is becoming vexing. I will buy some more, probably tomorrow night, and then rant at a later date about how flimsy they are when they in turn break.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Early Monday Horror

This evening it is a blog posted on a Monday before half seven - a surprise, considering usually at this time I am still making my way back from football. Today is different, however. Football wasn't on today due to a large number of people being unable to play - likely something to do with it being Valentine's Day.

Now, as you can expect I have strong opinions on Valentine's Day and am not a fan. It does seem to be a remarkably hollow sentiment, that what you do for an entire year does not matter as long as you tick all the boxes on this one day. I am all for good and loving relationships the entire year round and not letting one day be held up as the only time that the other is thought of.

This is before we even get onto the commercialisation of the day. Having read supplements in the papers this week advising on perfect cards, gifts, trips, roses, chocolates, perfumes, colognes, underwear, makeup, etc, etc, without any of which it can't be that same special day, it becomes extremely tedious.

Really, you don't need any of that for a day about the person you love, and nor does it need to be restricted to one day of the year. Personally, I'm looking twelve days forward to when Chrissi arrives here, when I'm sure we'll do just fine without all of the above and on a different day of the year.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Yesterday Was The Day

Having read the news this morning and also last night, it seems amazingly trite that my blog yesterday evening was on anything other than one subject.


After 18 days of protests, Mubarak has resigned. The focus today has rightly not been on the political ramifications, but instead on the achievement, its significance, and the hope and joy on the street. Watching the pictures and reading the stories of those involved, in all that the one moment represented, it was hard not to be moved to tears. The perseverence and resistance of all the Egyptian people involved was simply that strong.

This is a fitting reminder of what people's resolve and unyielding humanity can be.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Return of the Familiar

It's been a while since I've done a post-midnight blog, and this evening as I have just returned from a trip to the pub after work seems like a good point to restart the trend. The main prompt for this being that it is considerably after midnight - in fact, it is just approaching 1am.

While today was a moderately entertaining day and also a decent evening, I don't have an overwhelming amount of information to report. Instead I'll dwell more on Chrissi's exciting news - today is her last day at her work, and it's now only slightly over two weeks until she is here. Just a little packing on her side and a little clearing of the decks on my side - good luck there - and we should be all ready just in time!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Poker Thursday

As this was the second Thursday of the month, this meant that it was poker night! After last month - when this fell during my study leave - I had some ground to make up on the leaderboard. This truly happened in impressive fashion as I managed to build a significant chip lead before having this all evaporated in a final four-way all-in.

The hands ended up being K4, AQ, QQ (me) and KK. The all-in to match for me was only about half of my chipstack, and with pocket pair, increasingly shortstacked opponents and a chance to win it in one fell swoop, I naturally went for it. Unsurprisingly nothing much came up to match considering the cards we all had, and it was the pocket kings that took it - leaving me on the wrong side of a 20k/10k chip disadvantage in the heads-up.

However, some decent heads-up play twinned with some nice running cards meant I managed to claim the victory in the end and in doing so catapult myself up the leaderboard.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Spanish Trip

One thing I've been remiss about informing my handful of readers about is my forthcoming trip to Barcelona. One of my friends at work is getting married in May, and is having a stag do in April to which some of his colleagues are invited, myself included.

This event is taking place in Barcelona, which means that I get to sample the sunny delights of Spain for a weekend. Tragically, one of the most exciting things for me is the short haul flight! A flight time of only two hours and ten minutes representing my entire journey is revolutionary. It's also the first non-American holiday I've been on in over five years - surprising.

I need to brush up on my Spanish, I think, as it's not so hot.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Technical Expertise

This evening my great technical expertise was called on, as I came home to find my sister, her friend and her friend's husband struggling to connect to our wifi. As I spend a lot of time on my computer, this was assumed I would know how to resolve this.

Being the only person who knew our wifi password, I was able to move us along. However, then we had the slight dilemma of the router playing up. While I could connect on my computer, I was unable to connect from my phone and Memet was also unable to connect from his laptop. After deciding it was the router to blame, I decided to use the highly technical approach of resetting this by turning it off and on again. Annoyingly and excitedly, this worked.

In noteworthy numbers, this also marks the 550th blog posted on this website.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Obligatory Post-Football Blog

So as is customary and so much so that I feel it is now almost compulsory, I return from football and post-shower I come to blog. Today I have a nagging pain in my ankle following a particularly unballetic turn in the opening minute of today's game. I sat out for a little while and then ran it off, but it's still nagging at me and I suspect it will be more painful tomorrow.

Besides that today was mostly uneventful - besides the mockery of the Chelsea fans in the office for their naive optimism following last week's transfers. As a result, I will instead tell a bewildering anecdote from yesterday, when I was in the Co-op in the village in the evening and was suddenly jumped on from behind by Mike which prompted confusion and then recognition.

It is a tribute to my vague attachment to reality that instead of generally greeting and conversing, my reaction was 'what are you doing here?' - in a shop, why I suspect they may be shopping. To clarify the they, Mike was also with Laura and Kat. I let them get on with their purchases and continued on in my own world, but this is an immense illustration of my loose relationship with reality.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Follow Up - Reporting Success

After yesterday's comments on my essential shopping trip today I felt the need to provide a follow up and update on my progress.

After a delayed start - I had planned to go into town before lunch, but in the end that changed to after lunch - I set off with a sense of urgency. If I hadn't left at that point, I would have not made it in time. This is the proof of how much I enjoy my shopping trips, particularly for clothes shopping.

Having walked in at a reasonable pace, I set off in pursuit of my targets. I required a pair of jeans, preferably two. A new jumper wouldn't be a bad addition, and ensuring I have sufficient underwear is always a key aim in life. After metaphorically gasping in horror at the price of designer jeans I eventually went for some cut price variants after a little shopping around. The total shopping trip landed me with all of the required items, at a net cost of £17 (although there were gift cards contributing towards this).

All in all, success. Hopefully I won't have to go shopping again in the near future, it isn't my favourite activity.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Early Night

I am blogging in a moment of slight confusion because at this time - a fraction past midnight - I am excessively tired and heading to bed. This is quite unusual for me, as typically I will be up for another 2-3 hours if not more on a weekend. I wasn't even up excessively early this morning to account for this sudden lethargy.

It's also odd as I've not done anything particularly strenuous today. I have done some shopping and that is probably the high point of the day. Tomorrow the list of tasks continues with clothes shopping - essential - and room tidying - pretty important but one that can inevitably be procrastinated on for a little while yet.

I also need to do ironing and other typical weekend pleasures. Should be fun.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Where Are You?

This morning I had a meeting at another office to start the day. This meant that as opposed to my usual relaxed dress, I actually had to resort to formal attire. While I had a suit and work tie for the morning, as I was returning to my usual workplace in the afternoon I decided to bring my fantastic Scooby Doo tie to change into once I returned to the more casual environment. This was well received by all.

In addition to this, I have also received news of my exam that I took two weeks ago - which I have successfully passed by an acceptable margin (32/40 with the pass mark being 26).

I have also made some slight progress with the tidying of my room but that is too boring to elaborate on.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


This evening I made a start on some of the tidying that is overdue in my room! With it being around three-and-a-half weeks until Chrissi is here, it would perhaps be fair to make some space for her. Things tend to accumulate in my room, so this seemed like a good place to start clearing the clutter.

After a little tidying I have cleared some surfaces and also tidied away one box. As an indication of how often this takes place, in my tidying I found birthday cards from 2010, a birthday gift from work people from 2009, old tickets from previous visits to Chrissi that I was hanging onto because I'm soppy like that, and a lego fireman from Mark & Sophie's wedding.

Don't worry, the lego fireman has still been saved, he's just been tidied away a little more.