Friday, February 12, 2010

Four Day Week

So I've taken this Friday off - hence why I'm writing this at a lazy 1pm and not being at work instead - as time off in lieu for working last Saturday.

Overall, it's been a successful week. Not a great deal has happened, which is good considering I was expecting to be rushed off my feet with unexpected issues! I played football again, in the snow, which was needed considering that I want to kick-start my exercise regime once more (What exercise regime? I hear the crowd cry).

Also poker last night, which was fun as always. I came in a respectable second place, very consistent as that was also where I finished the first month. I'm definitely getting better and playing more aggressively - however, I need more practice on final heads-up as I have been tame here two months in a row and unable to drive home an advantage despite being comfortably up on chips.

So far today I've done some sorting out of old things lying around my room, which was overdue. This weekend will be filled with exciting things such as ironing and the like - all of which are overdue!

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