Thursday, March 29, 2007

On Noteworthy Numbers

Believe it or not this is my hundredth blog post. Some have been short. Some have been long. (Unless you're Emma, in which case, all of them have been long). Some have been interesting, but not very many admittedly.

This got me wondering a little. I suppose it's in our nature to focus on nice round numbers and make them more important. It's the neatness of rounding to significant figures - 100 looks far neater than either 99 or 101 even though it's not that different. Take cricket, for a random example - where a 50 is recorded as an achievement, but getting to 99 is still almost always just recorded as that - a 50. Yet one more run and it's recorded as a century. I realise this is absolute meaningless rubbish I'm writing here. Theoretically, you could take a wild leap of logic and possibly comment on society's bulletin approach to the world around them, and how details and in-depth analysis are overlooked. But I'm really lacking in the motivation for such an abstract link.

Instead, however, I will provide, as is my trademark, an amusing picture. Albeit one exhibiting my own rather sad sense of humour as much as anything else.

1 comment:

Emmie-lou said...

Yey!! 100 posts!! Just think, if you had split your posts into readable could have had 200 posts!!