Thursday, December 16, 2010

Unexpected Pub Trip

So having announced that I had absolutely nothing planned for today and that my sole plan - if that - was to return home and do some Christmas shopping online, plans suddenly developed!

I ended up going into London for drinks with work and former work people. It was a good idea and an enjoyable evening and the joy of doing this next to Waterloo is that it's very easy for me to get home from. It took me a little over 45 minutes to get from the pub to my home, which is definitely pleasing.

Besides the return journey, which was admittedly not the highlight, it was an enjoyable evening and good to catch up with people. Person is more accurate than people, considering that there were only three of us total in attendence, illness, laziness and compulsive working claiming the other possible attendees. However, that does not detract from the fact that it was still an enjoyable way to spend an evening.

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