Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Raging Dreams

So this morning I was quite tired for little clear reason, but it did mean some hilariously confused dreams as I flitted between sleep and waking. I can ony remember one of these with any clarity.

This involved me standing with someone at the head of a queue in a restaurant or possibly a bar - it's unclear. There were a couple of giggling teenage girls immediately behind us, who were nudging and walking into us and finding this hilarious. After my companion said a couple of times 'excuse me' each time they did it, hinting it might be impolite ... I took the reasoned response of turning around, arms wide, yelling in their faces that they had been told to move back twice, are they that inconsiderate and to show some manners. I thought this was a perfectly reasonable reaction and was utterly unfussed by everyone continuing to stare at me for the remainder of the meal.

Good dream. I have a nagging feeling I may have had some underlying anger issues I wanted to get out there ...

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