Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pre-Christmas Countdown

So it is four days until Christmas, today being both the shortest day of the year and the Winter Solstice - all good facts.

The snow that has been around for a few days is now starting to abate, and walking around seems a little easier. Transport was running better today, although I will miss my far more convenient snow-adjusted timetable as we return to normal tomorrow. However, I am not missing the benefits of the buses, after walking both in and back to the station yesterday and finding the sitting down approach far easier.

Among other events that have happened since my last blog, I've done my Christmas shopping - successful, attended the work Christmas do - entertaining, and also met up with people - enjoyable.

The Christmas party was fairly standard for work Christmas events - we had a private area of a club/bar in Clapham. It wasn't bad, although the food was overhyped and the music was pretty mediocre - even by club standards. I stayed late with a couple of others as I was sleeping on a generously lent sofa nearby. This meant I returned in the midst of the snow on Saturday, but it wasn't too hard getting home.

Last night - what with Mark and Sophie back down south - I headed to meet them and others who also put in appearance after work, which was an enjoyable evening of talking, entertainment and randomness! It was good to see people again, although some I have naturally seen rather more recently than others. Possibly other social things will take place this week what with people being more around, but as I'm working all week I may not be partaking in them quite so much as I would like!

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