Sunday, December 12, 2010


It's not much of a leap of logic to realise that my recent blogging slacking has coincided with me simply leaving my computer on at length. It's probably been on for a couple of weeks now. As I usually blog because it's the first thing I see on my homepage, this is probably why it hasn't been happening when my browser window is left open!

Today I am again approaching the task of tackling the Christmas list. Not much inspiration on my own part, besides the fantastic 'How To Train Your Dragon' film which is now out. Probably some CDs and books to round it off, but not much in addition to that. What I may well do is ask for vouchers at places where Chrissi and I can buy useful home-like things in the future, which is something that may be required!

Any suggestions people make of things that I might like too are appreciated.

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