Thursday, November 25, 2010

Personal Manifesto

So after my comments the other day, it seems only appropriate for me to follow up with a simple 'what I would do' by way of response. It's not so much exact counterpoints but instead a couple of my own philosophies.

  • Choice should not be trumpeted as an alternative to a high quality, adequate service being provided. Choice between two unpalatable options does not represent an improvement.

  • Benefits were designed as a safety net for those in need. While any system is vulnerable to abuses, condemning anyone attempting to claim benefits as workshy scroungers is inaccurate and unproductive. Exploiting those who are struggling and attacking the vast majority who genuinely need support is craven politics of the very worst kind.

  • Sometimes foreigners are decent people. Opposition to immigration has become a form of acceptable xenophobia. Bowing to this opinion and encouraging it is political cowardice.

  • It's not much to start with. But it'd be a nice start. Politics should be about rising to the ideal, setting a higher goal, about championing the best as opposed to spreading fears of the other. It should be about the boldness to defend what is right, not the temptation to hide what is wrong. It should inspire.

    We're still waiting.

    1 comment:

    Mike said...

    Bartlett for President.