Monday, July 26, 2010


So today is my second day at the ripe old age of 25 and shockingly, it doesn't feel the slightest bit different. Who'd have predicted that! I did have a productive day at work though, which was a plus point.

To reassure all of you who saw my last post, I did manage to summon up enough inspiration to come up with a brief birthday list, which was impressively organised by both Dad & Gill (it still feels like a very small family right now compared to the official-ish size!).

It shows how much my thoughts are dominated by marriage plans that I started to write 'wedding list' above. Plans are going well - we have a venue picked and booked, we have a solid idea on what we are doing for a ceremony, and currently finalising invites, garment details and guest lists! On the latter, for those of you who haven't responded to me, get to it!

(If you haven't got a message, then I likely already have your address. Let's face it, if you're reading this you're guaranteed an invite pretty much!)

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

Oh good, that means I'm invited! I was worried there for a moment :P