Friday, July 02, 2010


So on Thursday night Chrissi and I were discussing, as we tend to do, how things may work out best with regards to her moving over here. There are lots of complications with visas, working, jobsearching and so forth.

With this background, we discussed the option of marriage as a way of getting over here. This has always been a 'reserve' option, but considering the length of time for the six-month wait, the fact you can't work during it and the complications with searching for a job from a different continent, it could make sense to think of a low-key immediate marriage within two-three months, and for Chrissi to be able to come out here in advance of that and help to settle in and get prepared for the search for work.

This seemed a probably sensible option to both of us, so Chrissi went back to work and I continued with my busy evenings (i.e. playing games). When Chrissi calls me later in the evening on her break, she informed me that she had told people at work this, and they had responded with saucer-like eyes that that technically meant we were engaged.

Well, I suppose it technically does! As understated as it could be, so understated in fact that neither of us really noticed at the time. This is perhaps what you might expect of a cliched romantic gesture from me - total refusal to acknowledge it, even by accident!

I am sure there will be a follow-up to this tomorrow.

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