Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm currently sat in Chrissi's room waiting impatiently for her to finish work - she finishes in half an hour and is home in an hour. Today is the last day she's working while I'm out here, as she has Friday off this week, and Monday through Wednesday off next week as well.

Yesterday evening we went to the cinema to watch the utterly fantastic How To Train Your Dragon. There was the choice between a couple of films, and that was the one we both preferred. A good choice - it was excellent, tremendous fun to watch. Very glad we picked that one! We also wandered around and bought things as well, and grabbed a bite to eat too.

It also appears that Shrek 3 is coming out tomorrow - so we may well see that too before I leave! It seems the only time I actually ever go to the cinema is when I'm with Chrissi, usually because I'm not that fussed about the films anyway. I'm glad that when I do go, the films are actually fairly good! Long may that pattern continue.

1 comment:

Relaya said...

Actually, there was Shrek the Third out on DVD already.. Dad seems to think this one is five, cuz of the whole Shrek the Halls movie. :P