Tuesday, May 18, 2010


It's taken me a couple of days to get the hang of it, but I'm now fully on the holiday mood - not really wanting to do anything, simply happy to relax and do nothing.

This is something I'm always not too bad at doing - I can usually fill a weekend with doing nothing at the best of times! Yesterday I did do pretty much nothing for the entire day - Chrissi was working, and then had her final class in the evening - so I managed to kill time all on my own.

In the evening we watched some older Doctor Who - this one being notable for the fact that it featured BRIAN BLESSED (you actually have to type the name in all caps, or it's not really him) as one of the characters. It's impossible to take him seriously, but he is brilliant nevertheless!

I also seem to have come down with something unpleasant nasally. But we'll skip over that!

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