Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sum, Ergo ...

I was going to right some meaningless crap about my day, but in the end decided to go off on a last minute tangent. Reading Claire's blog today, I couldn't help but be inspired to follow on with a thought it left with me, so felt I'd share it on. Claire was essentially asking what she believed, and a lot of sentiments or values as a result.

It made me pose the question to myself. To be honest, there are lots of things I value, but what do I truly believe in? The one I came up with was being yourself. And being happy with that.

Everything else falls under that, as far as I'm concerned. Everything else you value, hold dear, deem significant - it's all important to you because of who you are. Being who you are is part of that.

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

I honestly feel its love. The ability to love others, to love yourself, and to love inspite of and not because.