Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hectic Relaxation

Well, as you can tell from the near-week of inactivity here, I've been both busy and lazy. Somewhat paradoxical that these are the reasons for non-posting, but amusing nonetheless! I was busy getting organised for my trip away last week; and this week I've been enjoying myself!

Getting organised included the bag purchase, getting the appropriate currency, travel insurance as noted below was sorted, packing was sorted, as was RSVPing to Tim & Kat's wedding invite. It also involved attending a night of PES-focused gaming on Friday, which wasn't really part of the organising but was fun. Those of you with good memories of my blog may recall a previous occasion I played PES without much success. This time I was victorious. It was a fun evening.

So I've now been here for, surprisingly, nearly an entire week. I've gone for walks, seen a film (Night at the Museum 2, most amusing and a good time), attended a baseball game (less said about that the better - White Sox 17 LA Angels 3), done the odd bit of shopping, and generally relaxed. It's been fun so far. This weekend we're heading to Vegas for a weekend away just to ourselves, which promises to be fun!

I'll try and be a bit more frequent in my postings, I'm really only borrowing the computer now because Chrissi is working this evening, alas, and I never feel I have the time to write little posts during the day otherwise! It also feels a little pointless as I still suspect she's the main audience for them, and she knows what I've been doing here - she's been doing it with me!

1 comment:

Tim (can't remember my password) said...

Was very impressed at the speedy RSVP! i think you were in the top 20...