Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Red Hot Poker

Time Asleep Last Night: 03:53
Time Awake This Morning: 13:56
Today's DAR: 10PP

Today was another day where very little happened during the day, very little in fact happened at all. My ironing pile made a further step towards being featured on relief maps of the area. On the plus side, if I don't get around to doing my ironing at any point, I can always sell it off as an abseiling platform and climbing wall for an activities centre or something.

My ironing-challenged week ahead aside, what I did do today was mainly watch TV. Not much, admittedly, but I watched the second half of Tottenham vs Manchester United, which wasn't exactly an entertaining spectacle but I really didn't care. I also saw part of the Castleford-Warrington rugby game, which was hardly a spectacle either - some good rugby by Warrington, but it was too one-sided to really be entertaining. Sad that Sky in their wisdom chose that match, and not the Catalan-Saints game instead. While obviously as a Saints fan I would've prefered to see my team (although watching rugby league as a neutral really is very enjoyable), their game was close and hard-fought, and a cracking game from what I could hear of it on BBC Merseyside.

In the evening I went to a mate's house, which is one of the last times I'll be doing that before I go back to university, mainly because everyone else is doing the same thing [going back to uni that is, to clarify]. We played on the PS2 for a while [PES, of course. Is there any other game?] but eventually settled down for a marathon poker game. By the end I was considerably up, although not chip leader.

Today I was feeling inspired, and managed some excellent hands, at one point doing a bluff on a flush draw with absolutely nothing, winning about 400 worth of chips [Starting amount of 1400 chips each]. Later on, I managed to have the situation reversed; someone attempted to bluff me in the same situation. However, at that point I did have a flush, and called him out, again to win about 200 chips. During the meantime I was squandering my hard-won chips, and irritatingly two hands in a row folding on what would become a full house after seeing my starting cards, although betting more sensibly. I managed at one point to get a A K Q high flush, one of my best ever hands, without even noticing it - I had pocket kings and so was betting on that, without realising I had a flush at the same time.

Most entertaining hand was the last one before we left. I was holding a Q 2 in my hand, unsuited. First person to bet put in 200 on the starting cards, before the flop. I was the only one to call rather riskily, but he is a known random better, so I thought I might as well go for it. The flop was 8 8 2, leaving me with a two pair but an awkward one - especially as he could well have high pocket pair, hence his high starting bet. However, as it was the last hand, I matched his 200 bet. The turn was a 6, rather irrelevant to my hand. However, again I matched his raise, which put him all in for about 675 chips each. At this time, as we were all in, we both revealed our hands - and his hand was also a Q 2, the exact same as mine! Ironically, the irrelevant river was a 2 again, leaving us both with a full house, but with identical cards we were bound to split the pot of 1385, each recouping for all our betting only a share of the blinds, worth 17 chips gain for each of us.

An entertaining hand, and somewhat amusing too. Anyway, more on that story later. Or another time. Right now, I'm off to bed, having updated you all on that. So more from Slumberland tomorrow.

1 comment:

Emmie-lou said...

Why are your posts sooooooo long!