Saturday, January 22, 2011

Familiar Journey

So this evening, as I write this blog from a train, I am making a somewhat familiar journey. I'm on the same train - albeit at a different time of day - that I would usually take to work. To make this more amusingly unusual for a weekend I am going to meet up with people from work for a drink. One of them is moving and another is assisting, so we thought a drink and meal sounded like a good plan for the evening.

And so it will come to pass. I need to remember to get off at Wimbledon and not at Surbiton - where I am now and where I usually alight! It does feel a little confusing, instinct is demanding I get off here.


Relaya said...

LOL! I've had that "get off here" feeling on a bus. Hope ya did get off at the right stop. :P

Lorelei said...

What she left out is that she's had that feeling and completely skipped the stop while going to school *grin*

Relaya said...

:o I have not skipped going to school! At least not for bus reasons... A detour to the comp. lab maybe but not cuz of bussing issues.... :P