Sunday, May 30, 2010

So, To Sum Up Quickly

I've not done of these for a while, mainly because I've been better updating at my blog recently - however, as I haven't been providing updates through actually some things happening! To summarise:

(1) Flight Issues
There were some issues getting to Winnipeg from LA. When I arrived at the airport, I went through security fine, got to my gate and only to find that they had overbooked my flight. This meant that there wasn't enough space on it for several people - including myself! I was rebooked onto a flight the following day, and instead I spent the evening with Chrissi and had another attempt on Thursday.

As it turned out, this was a good thing - my flight I didn't get on was delayed to such an extent that I'd never have met my connection in Denver and would instead have been stuck there overnight!

(2) Luggage Issues
So I got there on Thursday, at the second attempt - via a quick stop in Denver and a 6am flight from Los Angeles, which meant being up at 4:15am for this! I was fully tired by the end of it. However, my luggage was not so fortunate. It only made it as far as Denver before being mislaid. In hindsight I'm more phlegmatic about the lost luggage, it happens. But it was annoying being without my bag for a couple of days, eventually getting it on the Friday evening the day before I was due to leave!

(3) Oh, And Positive Things Too
Well, amongst the confusion and complaining of my airline niggles, I should highlight that I had a very enjoyable time in Canada with family. It was nice to catch up with people, some of which I'd seen recently - others of whom I had either not seen for 15 years or who were young enough that they had been born since I had last been there! Having someone who was not born the last time you were there being taller than you is somewhat surprising!

It was an enjoyable few days, anyway, and nice to catch up with family. The goal is to repeat this in less than the fifteen years it took since my last trip.

I'm now back in the UK, having arrived back this morning on an overnight flight from Montreal. The main activity I have done since then is sleep!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well, a couple of days late on writing about it, but better late than never! Sunday was Chrissi's graduation, the culmination of three and a half years of hard work, which means she finally has graduated and has her Masters in Counselling.

It was a good day and nice to see! Possibly some pictures if I can find some of the good ones - sadly didn't get many good ones with my own phone, and even if I did I can't upload them until I'm home!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm currently sat in Chrissi's room waiting impatiently for her to finish work - she finishes in half an hour and is home in an hour. Today is the last day she's working while I'm out here, as she has Friday off this week, and Monday through Wednesday off next week as well.

Yesterday evening we went to the cinema to watch the utterly fantastic How To Train Your Dragon. There was the choice between a couple of films, and that was the one we both preferred. A good choice - it was excellent, tremendous fun to watch. Very glad we picked that one! We also wandered around and bought things as well, and grabbed a bite to eat too.

It also appears that Shrek 3 is coming out tomorrow - so we may well see that too before I leave! It seems the only time I actually ever go to the cinema is when I'm with Chrissi, usually because I'm not that fussed about the films anyway. I'm glad that when I do go, the films are actually fairly good! Long may that pattern continue.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


It's taken me a couple of days to get the hang of it, but I'm now fully on the holiday mood - not really wanting to do anything, simply happy to relax and do nothing.

This is something I'm always not too bad at doing - I can usually fill a weekend with doing nothing at the best of times! Yesterday I did do pretty much nothing for the entire day - Chrissi was working, and then had her final class in the evening - so I managed to kill time all on my own.

In the evening we watched some older Doctor Who - this one being notable for the fact that it featured BRIAN BLESSED (you actually have to type the name in all caps, or it's not really him) as one of the characters. It's impossible to take him seriously, but he is brilliant nevertheless!

I also seem to have come down with something unpleasant nasally. But we'll skip over that!

Monday, May 17, 2010

All The Time

Firstly, to clarify - I am in the US with Chrissi right now. The stopover in Toronto was about three hours, enough to change planes, no more.

Secondly, after a solid night's sleep (in bed by 9pm - unheard of!) I've mostly caught up with my sleep and am now ready to actually look somewhat more active and able to move!

Yesterday Chrissi and I went to the baseball in the afternoon (along with her parents) - this resulted in a triumphant 4-0 victory from the Angels, meaning they swept the As and come somewhat closer to respectability in the standings.

In the evening, Chrissi and I again - this time along with her mother and aunt - went to a baking class, where essentially they helped you go through a recipe and taught you ways to modify it and tweak it. It was very enjoyable - you may have seen the pictures already on Facebook - however, as I was by this point somewhat tired I don't think I got maximum benefit out of any great tips handed out!

So far today I've done not much besides catching up on my sleep (see above). There should be more activity the rest of the week though, I think!

There may also be a bonus point on offer this week, I've yet to decide.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Conclusion: Unclear

So yesterday, at the beginning of the journey, I suggested that I would enlighten you today as to whether two separate flights is better or worse than one long flight. I'm not really sure, is the answer. It was nice to have shorter flights, and to avoid that point after five and a half hours where you think "Right, I'm halfway there now" - always frustrating. However, on the other side of the coin, it did mean a longer journey and the killing time in Toronto was annoying as well!

The flights themselves were both really smooth, very enjoyable and I even managed to doze on both flights, for an hour or so on the first and two hours on the second. This really cuts into the flight time, so I was very grateful for this! I also watched Sherlock Holmes, twice - the first a classic film from the 1940s (I think - could be earlier). You can tell it was classic because he was investigating a man who was hiding a robbery secret through musical boxes. The other was the more recent version from last year, which actually wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. Relatively enjoyable, at least.

In other thoughts prompted by my journey, I cannot be the only person who flies Air Canada tempted to always respond bilingually - particularly when you leave the plane. When every announcement is made first in English, then in French, I had the urge to leave saying "Thank you, goodbye, au revoir, merci",

Perhaps it's just me.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Departure Time

Well, I'm currently killing time at Heathrow airport as I wait at the gate.

This, of course, is leg one of the journey, to Toronto. After much thought I'm still not sure which is better - that annoying 11-hour flight, or a 16 hour total trip, meaning longer travelling but with a break in the middle and two flights of a more tolerable length!

I'll let you know tomorrow, I'm sure.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thirty-Eight Hours

Not long until I go!

I still have things to sort out, not least packing - which I never get done until the last minute anyway, so am not bothered about that one for now! I may want to check the money thing, I hear it's handy - but I think I also have some leftover from last trips, although how much I'll have to check.

One day of work, then I'm off Saturday morning. That came around quickly!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oh Hey, Four Days

It's snuck up on me without my being aware that I'm actually going on holiday in four days. While there are some things I've obviously not gotten sorted (i.e. packing and even thinking about packing) there are others I should have and haven't yet.

I've just sorted out my travel insurance. That's one down. I have to sort out money too, I hear it comes in handy. This time I have again the fun of balancing different currencies and getting the wrong amount of both!

The answer to yesterday's question was that it refered to the Paul Simon song 'Kodachrome' which is of course about photographs - well, in parts.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Everything Looks Worse In Black And White

This weekend one of my thoughts has been on photography. This comes in the aftermath of Friday's event spectacular, when I used my mobile to get some hazy photos of people enjoying themselves.

Simply put, people aren't too delighted of having pictures taking them. I generously declined to post two pictures after some epic pouting that someone didn't look superb in them. Another I kindly took down after some people couldn't tell the difference between dancing and kissing (I worry for them) and difficulties loomed. Note this please, people who forget all the selfles sthings I do!

For myself, I accept that the person in pictures is me, whether it looks great or not (usually the latter!) and deal with it. It's you, what's the problem?

Bonus point if you can get the link from today's blog title.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Day Two: Vote Day

I'm posting this early, and in fact I prepared this last night to post, because I wanted to post something early.

I've made some of my political feelings clear over the years I've been writing this, and particularly over this campaign. However, I want to stress first and foremost that it's important that everyone votes, no matter who you vote for. This is important and you can't have a say unless you make sure you have your say. Please find the time.

At this point, what is necessary to bear in mind is that we are not electing a Prime Minister - not directly. We are electing constituency MPs who represent parties, who have each chosen a leader. We have no say in the leader, and will definitely not in the near future. Unless you happen to live in one of the three constituencies of major party leaders, or the myriad others of minor party leaders, then the leader of the party is not necessarily what you are voting for. Make sure you know who your constituent candidates are - this is not a presidential election.

For my personal feelings, I would strongly hesitate to vote Conservative, and I hope that many more people share this reservation. While it is undeniable they have made progress, their ideology is unclear. Their intentions are unclear and it will always be hard to shed the 'nasty party' label. Ideological crowing as cuts to services, jobs and livelihoods are made is not the future we want to see.

On the other hand, the Labour party, despite their undoubted failings, made crucial decisions correctly that means economic meltdown did not occur. This cannot be denied, and should not be overlooked. The Liberal Democrats are new in public conciousness, but are not new to the scene. Their progressive approach and commitment to a fairer, more representatively democratic system is an admirable goal. I would argue that both of these two parties have good reasons to vote for them.

My final comment would be that people vote for what they want. We live in a multi-party system where we are constantly urged to choose between the top two, when there are many other parties available. We focus on who we want to evict from government, not who we want to elect to it, electing the 'least worst' candidate over and over again from the top two selections. If you constantly make the choice between the lesser of two evils, you are still left with an evil.

I urge everyone to vote for the candidate or party that best represents and embodies what they believe in, no matter their chances of parliamentary majorities, no matter their chances of seats or even contention in seats. If you cannot vote for who you want, then how do you ever expect a candidate to win who you want to win?

That's what I intend to do. The only wasted vote is one that you do not make.

Day one: Pub Day

As noted yesterday, today is pub day. This involved heading up to London after work, going to a pub, catching up with people, eating and watching the football. A good, entertaining evening, in short.

All of these were achieved successfully. I'm now on the train on the way back home, again enjoying the luxury of mobile blogging.

Most unintentional ironic moment of journey - by coincidence alone listening to The Who's classic Won't Get Fooled Again while reading of the riots/protests on the street in Greece.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Days of the Week

So after missing a few days, I thought in case it happens again I'd better spell out what is due for the rest of the week. This is how it was outlined to me at work in a brief conversation.

Wednesday. Pub Day. I, along with others from work, are going to meet up with other former colleagues in London (at a pub, hence the name) and watch the football. The football is Manchester City vs Tottenham Hotspur, the unofficial play-off for fourth place and the infamous Champions' League spot.

Thursday. Vote Day. Not the most inspiring day, but that is what it has been dubbed. This won't take up a great deal of time.

Friday. Brazilian Day. It is the 50th birthday of the company, so we have all been given £50 to spend on a celebration. Our building has mostly organised to go to a Brazilian restaurant nearby, which will feature large amounts of food, drink, a live Brazilian band and Brazilian dancers.

Today does not have an official 'Day' assigned to it so nothing is happening instead.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Early Start

It's quite well known how on weekdays I typically struggle to get up, well, full stop. It is a battle, one I usually win, but mornings are not my peak time.

So why on earth was I wide awake at 6:30am today, on a weekend no less, having gotten to bed just before 2am? It baffles me. I was aiming for a nice lie-in, but seemingly I am not that fortunate. Ah well, just means more time to do whatever it was I had planned for today!