Saturday, May 30, 2009

Viva Etc

I write this blog from sunny Sin City, as Chrissi and I are here in Las Vegas for the weekend. So far I have not lost or won any money on gambling, although this has mainly been due to the not having done any of yet. It's easier to keep even when you don't take your wallet out. I have been playing the role of supportively cheering on Chrissi over her shoulder. This has little success, I find.

I'll have to upload and post some photos at a later point; suffice to say the room is great but weird simultaneously - however, need photos to do it justice. There's a TV in the bathroom part and a phone in the toilet though, as a sneak preview.

More later.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hectic Relaxation

Well, as you can tell from the near-week of inactivity here, I've been both busy and lazy. Somewhat paradoxical that these are the reasons for non-posting, but amusing nonetheless! I was busy getting organised for my trip away last week; and this week I've been enjoying myself!

Getting organised included the bag purchase, getting the appropriate currency, travel insurance as noted below was sorted, packing was sorted, as was RSVPing to Tim & Kat's wedding invite. It also involved attending a night of PES-focused gaming on Friday, which wasn't really part of the organising but was fun. Those of you with good memories of my blog may recall a previous occasion I played PES without much success. This time I was victorious. It was a fun evening.

So I've now been here for, surprisingly, nearly an entire week. I've gone for walks, seen a film (Night at the Museum 2, most amusing and a good time), attended a baseball game (less said about that the better - White Sox 17 LA Angels 3), done the odd bit of shopping, and generally relaxed. It's been fun so far. This weekend we're heading to Vegas for a weekend away just to ourselves, which promises to be fun!

I'll try and be a bit more frequent in my postings, I'm really only borrowing the computer now because Chrissi is working this evening, alas, and I never feel I have the time to write little posts during the day otherwise! It also feels a little pointless as I still suspect she's the main audience for them, and she knows what I've been doing here - she's been doing it with me!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Triumph of Inactivity

So, you know those letters I talked about yesterday from insurance companies? Essentially, the ones that reminded me I need to sort my insurance out? What I did today, being the smart person I am, I opened them. (As a clue to how long they've been lying there, the first was dated 20th February).

The first one informed me about how to renew. It was simple, it said. Do nothing and we'll take your lack of cancellation as a desire to renew. Sounds good, I thought. I opened the second letter. Please find enclosed ... my insurance policy.

Well that was easy. One down, five to go!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

To Do List: Please Bug Me About These

I've suddenly realised that in four days I have a lot to do. These things include:

1. Getting money. US dollars are the currency of choice in the States, I hear, those pound coins don't tend to go down too well.
2. Organise insurance. I was fortunately reminded today - and I'm unsure exactly how this came into my mind - that all those reminders to renew insurance that I've been bombarded with may be worth taking heed of. After all, travel insurance is most useful when travelling.
3. Mundanities - packing, bag, etc. De-creasing clothes via ironing so they're at least somewhat tidy before packing. Buying other things to make up a dwindling supply of whatever it is. This is a key requirement but can be postponed to, oh, Saturday morning. If needs must.
4. Making sure everyone involved has my flight details a little in advance of last time (See: "oh, you know I'm flying in on the earlier flight not the later one, right?" from last November).
5. Entirely random things that just should be sorted out this week. This includes replying to the invitation to Tim and Kat's wedding (cannot believe it's only four months away you guys), general organising.
6. Potentially a haircut if I find the time. So no haircut.

In cryptic news, it's all over bar the shouting.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quick Note

I meant to write this yesterday, but then forgot, so am going to do so today before today becomes tomorrow.

Essentially, yesterday someone (who knows me fairly well) being astounded that I don't drink amused me. It also made me realise that it's been now probably a little over three years since I had a drink.

That's a fair amount of time, and it's not at all inaccurate to say that it doesn't make a whit of difference to me either.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Impulse Buy!

I'm very unlikely to make a random impulse purchase. Usually I'm prudent with my money. However, the other night I decided to make a random purchase - I bought the MLB.TV package. What this means is that I can watch the baseball online, live. This is extremely awesome - it wasn't that much for an entire season's viewing.

On the flip side, because the games start usually close to midnight for me, I've stayed up to 2am and 3am watching the games the last two days. Fun, but may not be the best call to keep this up!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sum, Ergo ...

I was going to right some meaningless crap about my day, but in the end decided to go off on a last minute tangent. Reading Claire's blog today, I couldn't help but be inspired to follow on with a thought it left with me, so felt I'd share it on. Claire was essentially asking what she believed, and a lot of sentiments or values as a result.

It made me pose the question to myself. To be honest, there are lots of things I value, but what do I truly believe in? The one I came up with was being yourself. And being happy with that.

Everything else falls under that, as far as I'm concerned. Everything else you value, hold dear, deem significant - it's all important to you because of who you are. Being who you are is part of that.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

And the Answer is ...

... not sure.

Curse these imprecise outcomes!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Decision Time!

Tomorrow is when the meeting happens which will decide whether I get offered a full time contract in the current role.

No pressure, then. Fortunately I don't have to be at it, just have to hear the outcome. We'll see!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Green Forms vs E-Forms

You know, I thought it was impossible to beat the I-94 Visa Waiver Program forms - more commonly known as 'that green form you can't fill out correctly no matter how you fill it out - for overall complexity. For those of you who haven't travelled to the USA or through the USA, you have to fill out these hellish green forms, ensuring that you were not a member of the Nazi Government of Germany and to declare that you are not a terrorist. You can't fill it out correctly, no matter how you try.

However, this has now been replaced with an electronic form. This is easy. Or it would be if you can find it. Disappointingly, BA, who my ticket is with, have absolutely no information on their site about it reminding you to do this and how you do it.

Instead, you have to rely on your memory to know that you have to apply for 'Travel Authorization' as it's called. And buried somewhere on the Department for Homeland Security website is the form. Again, you have to know you're looking for it to find it, and when you do, you're taken through a labyrinth of pages to get to the right place.

When you actually get there, it's the same green form faithfully replicated in electronic format, and on a green background to retain the authenticity. At least you can't mis something. Overall, it's about level for complexity - electronic labyrinth versus hellish form designed so you miss something.

However, there's the counterbalance of this hassle with the sudden realisation that in two weeks' time I'll be on a plane to see Chrissi, so that's good news!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Rome or Bust

So, that football last night. Pretty good, huh? While Chelsea may have been 'robbed' as each paper put it this morning, it's hard not to cast the mind back to the last time Barcelona visited Chelsea and got knocked out by a goal only scored via a foul on the goalkeeper. Truly, payback is a bitch.

A wonderfully comical game, though. My own top three moments:

3. Michael Ballack in the last minute. It's still unclear whether he was trying to argue with the referee or mount the referee. Youtube is filled with amusing videos of this set to the Benny Hill tune, a natural classic: click here to see.

2. The goals. The drama overshadowed it, but Essien's was arguably the goal of the season. A stunning strike. Iniesta's was a fantastic effort too, placed right in the top corner with a sweet strike. Easy to forget those, which is a pity, they were both outstanding.

1. But the favourite moment has to be Didier Drogba. Not the last minute ranting, as amusing as it was. The classic Drog moment came midway through the second half. Running on goal until tackled, he falls over as only he can and rolls into the penalty area, appealling in vain even by the standards of Chelsea's appeals. Unsatisfied with the lack of award of a penalty, he gets to his knees, spreads his arms, and dives like a plane to the ground again. I have no idea why, but it was wonderful.

Let's only hope Barcelona go on to win the trophy.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Return By Post

Today I received an interesting plain-ish unstamped envelope (A4) - which made me intrigued. I rarely get post, let alone something that actually might be for me as opposed to a bank statement or simple junk (ah, the joys of being the 'A'name and first on the electoral roll for the house). However, what it was was the newsletter for the Van Mildert Association. I flicked through it idly and uncaringly, and noticed a couple of people I vaguely recognised and didn't care overly much about. Not too much of a bother - and committee minutes about some of the things involved never really attract the interest.

What this really made me realise, however, was that I've been rather remiss at keeping in touch with those who I did make good friendships with. Those who I should've made more of an effort to keep in touch with.

Then I remember I'm an idiot, and I still can. So watch this space.