Thursday, April 26, 2007

Random Musings

Today, for no apparant reason, I've been listening to a lot of Dropkick Murphys. In my mind they are a superb band, and they are one of those who I have not seen live who I really want to. For those of you who have not heard them, been forced to listen to them or heard them blaring out of the speakers as you walk past my room, it is basically classic punk rock music. With bagpipes. I cannot describe how thoroughly awesome this sounds.

One of my favourite songs of theirs, however, is very dissimilar to their usual style, which is quite interesting. The song is about the First World War, and idly looking through YouTube this evening I found clips of many photos together to the background of this song. I include below one of the best ones I saw, for you to have a look at and a listen at. The song is called 'Green Fields of France', and the effect is surprisingly haunting and moving. It has this effect for me as a song on its own, but with the visual accompaniment it really does make you think.

1 comment:

Emmie-lou said...

Thanks Anyd...I like the song :-)