Sunday, April 22, 2007

Musical Stuff

I've noticed a lot of my blogs recently have been of a musical theme. By this I don't mean the blogs themselves sing, although this would be an impressive achievement. However, they do come fairly close to it in the fact that they mostly contain musical elements.

Something I've noticed of late is that there seem to be some consistent themes within all punk-rock bands. Namely, the following:

(1) The length of a drummer's hair must be proportional to the amount of drumming they do. If you're rocking out on the drums, you need long hair to do it properly. If it's a softer melody, the drummer has shorter hair. Strange but true.
(2) Whatever the circumstance or song, a bassist must look completely unaffected by everything going on around them. Nothing phases a bassist or makes them change their expression. They must also be able to exude cool without trying.
(3) When a guitarist is also a backing singer, they must sing dependent upon how loud they're playing the guitar at the time, not dependent upon what the lyrics actually call for.
(4) If you play a rarer instrument, for example the sax, trumpet or similar, your main job is not to play the instrument. Your main role in the band is to walk around the stage and put off the other members of the band.
(5) Lead singers who don't play instruments are a law unto themselves and there is no explanation for them.

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