Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Back Again

Well, I rarely updated my blog while I was at home. For 'rarely' read 'not at all'. I'm going to attempt to do a bit of the filling in the gaps, but not now. For now I will write a meaningless short paragraph.

Today for some reason I've had the Lost Prophets song Can't Catch Tomorrow in my head. This is good yet annoying. Considering it's from the Liberation Transmission album - which I widely regard to be rubbish - this is quite an impressive achievement. Albumwise I'm a Fake Sound Of Progress fan, which still probably is my favourite album for the overall quality of the entire piece. However, the LP sound has changed very much since then, although the odd track is still okay. This track has just got the right balance of nice hard riffs and melody without descending into the softer gimmicky tunes which embodied the Start Something album. This song is almost certainly as good as anything on Fake Sound Of Progress, and arguably better than the middle songs (Handsome Life Of Swing/Thousand Apologies especially, and perhaps about the same as Kobrokai) as a standalone track - although the latter do act as the perfect bridge for the FSOP album, whereas Can't Catch Tomorrow would not.

Anyway, have a listen if you want. If you don't want, I won't force you. Another band that I'd recommend are The Pigeon Detectives - Tim would love them, I'm sure, just on the name alone. No links this time, I'm afraid, but their latest song "I'm Not Sorry" is worth a listen to if you can find it. Their previous track "Romantic Type" is also okay, although tends a bit towards the pop end of pop-punk for my liking. Look them up, have a listen, and so on.


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Hmm pigeon detectives...might give them a listen or two.

I quite like 'Start Something', though I would say it does have a teenagery popularistic sound in places.

Andrew_tM said...

In places it's good. But it seems to me to be lacking something. Some songs I like despite their softer sound - Last Train Home is good, as is Goodbye Tonight, and Start Something the song itself is good. But when you look at some of the other stuff, especially the earlier tracks, it's incomparable with FSOP. And Burn Burn just sounds like an Incubus rip-off.

For a bit of comparison I opted to listen to the FSOP album after that song and the other two, and it's far superior. The heavy sound of Five Is A Four Letter Word, for example, is superb. Overall the later albums just feel ... filtered down a little, whereas the FSOP album feels raw, unchanged and simply more natural.