Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Blog A Day Keeps Laziness At Bay

There's actually not much to report from today, as yesterday's blog was done very early in the morning so didn't actually contain much of yesterday's news. However, in the latest burst of activity I am determined to keep this run of regular blogging going.

Today I have finished my ironing. Hurrah. Just in time to need to do another load of washing, and the ironing that will inevitably accompany it. I'm beginning to understand how the guy pushing the rock up the hill for all eternity felt.

Oh, and I was dead right with my pizza analysis. It was delicious and fantastic and cooked to perfection. Ace.

1 comment:

vix said...

Ace, Andy? Hrmmn..
And you always were a fanof ironing...

Good to have the updates, now when are you gonna come visit!!??