Thursday, September 07, 2006

The One Where Andrew Didn't Meet Captain Jack Sparrow Either

Admittedly I could keep this string of post titles going for a long time because I haven't actually met any famous people, but this again does have some relevance. This is part of my recapping on what happened between Las Vegas and San Diego - and for those of you who haven't seen yesterday's blog and the consequent comments, Chrissi uploaded our photos from the trip, so do look at them here. Not to force you, but you have to.

Anyway, onto my partially cryptic blog title, about which all will be explained in due course. Last Friday (obviously not this coming Friday, but I can't be too careful with some people with such loose phrases) Chrissi, I and her mother went to eat at a Pirates Dinner Adventure 'restaurant'. It's hard to explain what it was precisely, so perhaps if I link to the homepage it'd be easier to demonstrate, which can be found here.

Our pirate was the red pirate Jack (but sadly not a Captain Jack, or a Jack Sparrow - but getting the pirate called Jack was still fairly cool), who we did cheer on throughout the show, which was very entertaining. It's hard precisely to describe, but there were huge swordfights and acrobatics and other random things. I didn't participate in the action, thankfully, but our team's inept pirates weren't very good at the tasks we undertook.

The meal itself was excellent as well, although being interrupted every ten seconds to have to cheer your pirate got a little wearing at times. But it was all great fun and really enjoyable - although our waiter got rather too excited when he heard I was from England and had an English accent. Chrissi got a little worried - I did too, although I'm just hoping he was trying to earn a good tip.

Anyway, 'twas an excellent night and much plundering, mayhem and pillaging was done by all. Speaking of which, in San Diego I got a fantastic T-shirt which states on the back "Pirates for Hire: Specialising in Mayhem and Madness" either side of a giant skull and crossbones. Fantastic stuff.

That's about it from me for today, although I'll drop by later and add another update I'm sure. So long, you scurvy dogs!


Lorelei said...

Hah, the tag for my car you bought me was much better than the shirt!!

"The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"

The -best- saying ever!!!!!!!


Emmie-lou said...

I was talking...quoting even parts of anchorman last night!!