Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend Highlights

While low on major achievements or notable excitement, this was a successful weekend in many respects - awake at a decent time both Saturday and Sunday morning, many mundane tasks accomplished and an overall sense of purposeful activity. So, to summarise - some key or not key moments for the weekend:

  • Game 2 Down After getting the milestone first play of (relatively) new board game Eclipse under our belts, we went for a second go this afternoon. It was quicker and easier, as we actually understood what was going on, although I'm still not sure we have it wholly nailed! Our strategies and approach may need some refining, particularly as we ended up finishing before having really got started - we're probably being a little more cautious than we need to be, particularly with combat.
  • Role Reversal Last night I went to bed around midnight as I was tired, leaving Chrissi downstairs playing on World of Warcraft. It was an odd change in roles, as traditionally I was always still playing while Chrissi went to bed. As I no longer have an account I can't do this - it was amusing to be on the other side of the fence.
  • Extreme Ironing On a bizarre run of motivation, I was ironing several t-shirts - unusually without even needing to do this to have one to wear for the following day / the current day. To keep myself entertained I was listening to randomly selected music, this time the album of choice being the amusingly named Rock Against Bush, a compilation effort. At some point during my listening I realised the absurdity of the scenario; nothing says more punk than ironing on a Saturday afternoon.

  • The coming week threatens to have activity - some is planned, so it should do - so I may or may not update as a result. I also know I want to recap on several subjects from the last few weeks I haven't covered, such as the two concerts I went to in at the end of May / beginning of June. I'm back in the writing groove so we may have some updates on these over the next few days!

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