Monday, June 24, 2013

Abandoned Hobby

So as I'd mentioned yesterday, I've recently stopped playing World of Warcraft. I'd say that I've given it up, but it was more of a gradual drift away - I barely played much over May (not helped by being rather busy too!). I'd also gotten a bit bored in April - unusually this coincided with my subscription nearing its end.

The usual rule of thumb is at the point you start to wonder if you should stop playing, you have without realising just renewed for another six months. You then enter a painful cycle - concluding you might as well get your money's worth out of that six months of gametime, you throw yourself into it wholeheartedly. You are at the verge of accomplishing something you have been working towards when your subscription renews again, and a month later you begin the cycle again when you start to lose interest once more.

I hit upon the inspired concept of actually cancelling my game account when I was feeling bored with the game. Even when I occasionally logged on over the next month and a bit, I didn't have any great inspiration or events to get me playing again. I actually happened to be online as my subscription ran out - it gives you an hour and then a 15 minute countdown - and managed to accomplish one of the niggling easter-eggs that I'd been chasing before my time ran out.

Despite Chrissi playing a little this weekend, I've not had the slightest inclination to pick it up again. I may go back at some point. But there are other games too, and equally I'm actually getting some value out of my weekends and evenings at the moment and accomplishing a little more - perhaps coincidental, perhaps not, we'll let it run for a while and see what happens!

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