Monday, February 25, 2013

Latest Titbits

Another week, another set of vaguely relevant news items.

Car Hunt: I looked again into getting a car on Saturday - looking at one vehicle, a 2000 plate Civic, and trying to look at a second. The first one felt quite dated - you could tell it was a few years old, and while Chrissi's 02 Civic doesn't feel old, this one does. Low mileage was the only real plus point, but at the price it was going I wasn't tempted. The second was not actually there, which would've been annoying had the trip actually been out of the way, but it wasn't. I have arranged to see it tomorrow evening instead.

Train Entertainment: I have to usually follow a comment about the car search with a comment about the current commute - as I've been doing it for a little longer than planned. Last week my train was badly delayed on Monday, making for an annoying trip as I waited for a while at Surbiton, then even longer at Walton once it got moving. The engineering works on the line had taken longer than expected so they had one line less than usual. It meant I got there an hour or so later than planned, which was irritating. I followed this up by buying a ticket for the next day (Tuesday) which I was promptly ill that day and so never used. I'm not having much luck there, it seems!

Family Visits: Rachel came over for dinner on Saturday, which was pleasant; and Dad is here staying with us tomorrow evening. Chrissi suggested I may want to go car shopping with him - I suggested that was a terrible idea. Because it is.

Hunted Returns: After the annoyance on missing out on the last episode of the series back in November while we were in the US, we have now had the series rented from LoveFilm. Annoyingly it's coming one DVD at a time, each containing two episodes. So to see the eighth we have to go through the first three DVDs, and to avoid what seems like a rather pointless exercise in receiving them and sending them straight back, I have been watching these as they came - if only to remind myself of the amusement I had at our heavily-hatted heroine as she mooches from flashback to flashback. We've seen four of the episodes so far, so only another three to go to before we hit the final episode we're waiting for.

1 comment:

Relaya said...

No way to select specific DVDs in the set like Netflix does?