Wednesday, December 09, 2009


A couple of weeks ago I got myself organised enough when doing my season ticket to look into how on earth you get the deal to get the bus ticket. It turns out it's quite simple - you ask at the station for a 'PlusBus' ticket, which can extend for one week, one month or three months. Simple, obviously.

Annoyingly so. A three month 'PlusBus' costs a grand total of £99. Now, consider that that three months will have probably thirteen weeks within it. Thirteen weeks where you would pay £18 per week. This is a total of £234 for that same period. This is what I have been paying. Essentially, over the past two and a quarter years, I've paid an additional £1,200-ish for bus fares than I needed to.

Bugger. I could've put that towards something useful.

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