Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oh, That Was The Other Thing ...

The other thing I was being lax on was blogging. Now I remember. I've not posted much of late - partially because I haven't had much to say, partially because what I do have to say is somewhat either downing and not exactly motivating to positive blog posting, as I try to do!

To give a brief synopsis, I'm a bit discouraged about my weight, I seem to be gaining more rapidly than I thought, or perhaps I'm just going insane. Or, the more likely option, is that I expect a week's worth of slight exercise to have a lasting effect. If only!

This week I have played football, which makes a dramatic change to usual; somehow I got back on the invite list due to noone else turning up. It was tiring and I was significantly worse than I used to be. Decent exercise, but probably not enough. Desperately need to motivate myself, but to do that I need to get to bed on time so I'm not too tired in the morning. So that's the first step.

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

So we've been together for 6 years (minus two weeks)...why is it that we're still nervous about offending each other in regards to looks? I think we've both made in clear that we're attracted to each other and a little more or less makes no difference. A lot more or less probably doesn't make a difference on how we feel about each other. Yet we're so afraid of mentioning anything we're not even able to be motivating in a positive manner....

So here is my thought. We're both upset about our weight (which is really stupid) and that it doesn't come off nearly as fast as it comes on. So I propose a contest....

Who can exercise more by the time you come out here next! Prize to be discussed :P