Thursday, August 13, 2009

Triple Century

Believe it or not, this is my 300th blog post.

As an interesting contrast, it's taken me a little under a year (335 days) to go from blog #201 to blog #300. It took me far longer to go from blog #1 to blog #100 (496 days), although not as long as from blog #101 to blog #200 (a lengthy 528 days). All these pointless statistics are just to entertain myself, really. Perhaps I simply have more to talk about now, or make more to talk about. Or don't care about having anything to talk about or not and post regardless!

As commented on Monday, I was trying to do a bit more exercise (read: some exercise). This has so far resulted in me going for a run in the morning on Monday through Wednesday, with gradually improving results. A brief play with a finger as a measuring device and googlemaps estimate my circular route to be around 2.5km which isn't terrible - especially considering by Wednesday I was managing to slowly jog round the first 1.8km without a break, a drastic improvement on my run-then-walk-and-wheeze approach from Monday! A more realistic pace admittedly helped with this.

No running this morning because my back was slept on odd so twinging. Hopefully more again next week, we'll see how it goes!

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