Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sudden Spree

So yesterday for some reason I got a second wind of activity when I came home, and made some progress on some odd tasks around my room to tidy it up.

One of these was to install the software for my camera - since I got it as a generous Christmas present from Chrissi, the box has sat on my desk mostly untouched (although, in my defence, I have used the camera). I went to install the software, upload some photos, etc.

After installing it, trying to upload it, found that it was a nightmare. It added massive complexity, saved no time, hogged all the resource and quite frankly was an irritation.

In a gesture of frustration I just uninstalled the entire damn thing and just uploaded the photos using the basic windows functionality. I don't need to have tools to turn my photos into pictures of stars, or to upload them to a cumbersome web-album, I just want to put them from the camera onto the computer.

For this, it seems I'm better off without the software titled, ironically, Easyshare.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tragic We Don't Learn This, Really

As you will all know, being a history graduate one of the odd things I like is actually reading historical books (well, I enjoy it now I'm not forced to at least!).

I picked up one in America back in November, which I've been browsing on and off - Great Documents of American History. I know, the title is hardly a grabber, but it's a superb book. A really good read, against all expectation, even if you need to take it in small chunks.

But what I'm so amazed about is the sheer power of some of what is contained. Considering the, ah, colonial relation with America, we strangely don't learn much about the War of Independence.

But we should, if for no other reason than the Declaration of Independence stands as one of the greatest documents ever written. Even now, it has the oratory power to sear across the page. Are there many passages written throughout history with the same power as that text, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"?

It's a shame we don't learn about it, for we should. Clinging to past triumphs is all very well, but the sheer breadth of history we miss out on through it is saddening.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Reorganisation to what?

So, as I alluded to in an earlier blog at the beginning of January, there were changes afoot in my team at work - redundancies and consultations.

Four people left in this, which wasn't great. The rest of us took on more work. To deal with the changes, we have a slightly adjusted structure and are looking to try and cut off some projects that aren't going anywhere.

However, we seem to be locked in a vicious cycle of permanent limbo of 'reorganising' - we're so busy trying to work out what we're doing that we have no time left to actually do it in, so it's a little on the problematic side!

Becoming a little clearer now though!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

End Game

The internet is won, we can all go home. In classic Blue Peter style, here's one I did earlier.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Torrential Weather?

So yesterday on the train back in the evening, I read that the capital is expected to be buffeted with blustery conditions - gusting winds, torrential icy rain, sleet. Pretty poor in other words.

So, I ask myself, just why was I playing football in this? For what obsessive pride or point to prove was I running around in this?

It's beyond me.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Gosling & ITV

The most entertaining bit of football in recent time is the comedy of the completely unscheduled ITV advert break, causing a large amount of hilarity as the only moment of incident in around an hour was, as a result, missed.

However, we still saw the replays of Dan Gosling's dramatic winner. An appropriate reward and good finish to five very tough matches. Villa will be a challenge in the next round, but getting there was a huge step.