Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Spot On

Well, I called it beautifully, I'll be honest. First day of the week, and I'm exhausted, my priorities list has jumped around so much at work it's untrue, and I came home and slept for two hours.

What I expected, but despite the above, I'm still feeling fairly good and positive. The new positive me is unstoppable, no? Well, maybe. But a good night's sleep tonight (watch this space) and we'll be in top form for tomorrow and make progress into the current priorities list, waiting for it to change at a moment's notice!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Not Near Enough ...

Today's title comes from the REM song Near Wild Heaven, which I've been listening to earlier, and is a nice suitable title for this evening's blog.

This evening I'm enjoying the benefits of the bank holiday by procrastinating all the 'weekend' tasks to the Sunday. I have to say, although the net efficiency gains are non-existent, sitting here nicely laid-back, listening to music knowing I don't have to go to work tomorrow is very nice; and if I was to update you on my mood, it'd be relaxed.

The title is suitable because this coming Friday, Chrissi arrives for a stay of a little over a week. I'm very much looking forward to that, although it's not near enough (there's the link!).

The main flipside to this Friday still being a long way away is the big release at work on Friday which is going to consume a lot of my time this coming week; add to that finalising the development list for the next phase and producing proof-of-concept specification documents, all the while jumping through ad-hoc positioned hoops, and it's going to be a busy few days! As I mentioned the other day, I really enjoy the action and activity surrounding this part of my new role - but that doesn't mean I'm not still going to be drained of energy and cursing it's existence by the end of the week!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The List

So, it's now the 20th August, and I've just about worked out what I wanted for my birthday back on the 25th July. This is perhaps the most apathetic I've actually been about wanting something for my birthday.

Typically, I'd just have a list I could pick from of things I wouldn't mind - but increasingly, there are lots of things I wouldn't mind, but nothing I really want. I don't feel I have the time to get lots of DVDs, CDs or books - the typical fillers - because one, I lack the time to read them, watch them or listen to them as applicable, and two, I seem to be running out of storing space.

And I'm going to be damned if I'm rearranging my entire room and purchasing extra furniture and storage space just for the luxury of having easy present lists!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Feeling of Compulsion

If I'm brutally honest, today's blog is really just because I've gotten back into the blogging groove recently, and am liking it so want to continue.

Today's status is really me aching. Football is seeming to result in me getting simply more tired and more injured each week, which is probably not the best thing. I enjoy it, but it's probably a good thing that next week is a bank holiday so means missing out on the weekly game!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Job, New Me?

The new job part is not really news, as it's something that I've gradually morphed into over the past couple of months. This is also no more than the simple transition from one role on the graduate scheme to another.

Whereas before I was Project Support Co-ordinator, my role now is as Business Systems Analyst. I work on the same team, doing a similar job with the same people. But it's a new role, and as of such a new job.

I'm quite enjoying this role, there's a lot more to it than I realised, and it gets me involved with more parts of the business than previously. It also allows me to actually utilise some of my skills and fits a little more with what I want to do. The nature of the role - working on the core recruitment system used by Reed - is one that means I'm a lot more involved in what I'm doing. The size of the task also means that it's less downtime and a lot more ad-hoc. This is quite an enjoyable part of the job.

New me is more metaphorical than actual. This is perhaps because over the last few weeks I've been trying to be more positive and slightly less cynical, and in turn placing greater stress on the positives than on the negatives. This is admittedly somewhat of a contradiction to my usual traditional self, but I think it's something that is having benefits for me.

This hasn't necessarily been a concious effort, but something that I have been gradually working on where possible. Being negative, pessimistic and cynical all the time probably isn't too good anyway!

Whether anyone else has noticed this change or attempted subtle perspective alteration is a good question though!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Automotive Showdown

So, what would come off worse in a typical collision? A double-decker bus ... or a VW Golf?

Erm, the Golf. A slight dent on the side at the front. The bus? Grille smashed in and the radiator leaking all over the road.

So much for getting the bus home ... walking from there it was!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Foreign Spotlight

I got an interesting insight into what it's like viewing the coverage abroad of a sport that isn't big in your country. It's a nice counterbalancer to the 'Beckham ties his shoes exclusive' that I'm sure they get in the US.

This was because last week, in The Guardian, there was a short snippet about baseball. Amazing, I thought. Something happened worthy to be mentioned from the baseball season?

So what was the big story? Well, Mussina had pitched his 15th win of the season in a 3-0 Yankees victory over the Rangers.

That was the big story?

The Yankees, perennial big club but third in the AL East behind the Devil Rays and the Red Sox, and looking iffy for a post-season berth. The Rangers, twelve games behind the Angels in the AL West and seemingly long gone.

It's hysterical that this is the one mention we get. The Angels are running away with the AL West, and have just completed a tough East-coast trip with a 7-3 record, including sweeping Boston at Fenway. The Rays are the surprise leaders of the AL East. So what do we get? A spotlight on none of these big stories of the season.

The story that went on from there was that the Yankees then went to get swept at the Angels, then lost the fourth in a row against the Twins. The Rangers then lost consecutive series and are now fifteen games back of the Angels - with a lower elimination number than the bottom team in every other AL series.

In short, it's a story on nothing much. But it'll be the only baseball coverage I'll see in the paper all month.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Alanis Would Be Proud ...

So after my comment yesterday about the most congested trains, and how I've been avoiding mine, I had a hellish journey home today.

There had been a fatality at Surbiton. Now, I don't know the details or I'd call them selfish. But it messed up my journey, my 20 minutes commute back to Woking took closer to quadruple that time. This included getting on a crowded train from Clapham Junction - so crowded that I could only actually get ON the train at the third set of doors I got to. It was slightly packed to put it mildly.

The ease with which our transport system can be put into total chaos is a little depressing. Not to take away from the tragic loss of life, but you do wonder how we can be paranoid about terrorists striking at the transport infrastructure and causing chaos, when we'd probably have more disorder and impact having synchronised 'fatalities' at key feeder stations around the capital.

Just to note, the title 'Alanis would be proud' refers only to the title of the song. It should be remembered, as per the classic Ed Byrne skit, that nothing in the song is ironic. It's just slightly unfortunate. If you haven't seen this, do look it up on YouTube.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Two Month Absence

Well, it's been two months of absence, nearly, for me from the blogosphere. I'll try to update a little more regularly, but it's one that I get into a run, then run out of things to say, and stop bothering.

It's all hypothetical, as the last time someone read it was probably a couple of years ago, but it keeps me involved at least.

Earlier this week I discovered that my usual train in the mornings when I'm doing a 'late' start - the 08:02 from Woking to London Waterloo - is the most overcrowded train in the country, running at 176% of seated capacity.

It's nice to be recognised. Even if it is for being just a sardine in a particularly crammed sardine tin, and the only contribution that you're making is just to make it that slightly bit more overcrowded.

Although this week I've been going in earlier. Coincidence? Well, yes actually. I j just prefer it. But it's a nice thought at least.