Sunday, February 24, 2008

Teetotal Fridays

I made a brief allusion to this via Facebook on Saturday. The fact being, that I myself - as you all know - do not drink. This naturally means that when going out after work on a Friday, I'll generally have a coke instead of an alcoholic beverage.

What this usually results in is me having 3-4 glasses of coke (which I'm trying to narrow down on from pints to a bottle to aid in this) over the course of an evening. This in turn generally results in me coming home, having had lots of caffiene, fully awake. This is actually really annoying in the long term.

I end up staying up late on a Friday, getting up late on a Saturday, as a result staying up late on a Saturday and getting up late on Sunday. Most of my weekend disappears because of these bizarrely shifted hours and I never get much accomplished, especially in the mornings when I'm still sleeping!

End conclusion is that teetotalism is as bad for your Saturday mornings as drinking is.

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

I have to be selfish and say that a caffeinated Andrew is awesome for me. So I won't say poor you, cause..well yeah I love my Andrew time :P

On an unselfish note, do what I do...I allow myself one coke, and drink water the rest of the time. It will was a great deal of that caffeine out of your system as well as giving you something un-caffeinated to drink. Or I bring a bottle of water with me. Could always pick a big one up at the station then walk over if its not seemingly to rude! Then you can order your one coke and have a water to sip on after that.