Saturday, February 09, 2008

The World We Live In

I got a huge chuckle this morning when reading in the Metro the reaction to the Archbishop of Canterbury's bumblings about Sharia law. I don't have a copy with me, alas, but it was along the lines of this.

"Bishops have reported masses of e-mails from confused clergy asking just what they do about it".

Wait a second. E-mails from confused clergy? I don't know why, but there's something about this that you cannot square with religion. What sort of religious organisation communicates by e-mail? They should send it by letter. Perhaps courier. Pigeon at a stretch. Not by freaking e-mail. Even telephoning shouldn't be happening, unless it's one of those old-style telephones that weigh 30 tonnes and have five different pieces you have to hold together to speak.

I mean, seriously - e-mail?

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