Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stunned in Disbelief

Random one, this. But yesterday I followed a couple of links, and ended up watching a youtube video - which is the destination for 30% of the links you find anyway (with 60% being porn, and the other 10% being rickrolls). It was a semi-documentary on the Westboro Baptist Church - you may have heard of them, that charming group of 'people' in America who go and picket funerals giving thanks that a military that allows gays to join has died, that sort of thing. Nice 'people' in other words.

But bloody hell was this programme stunning. Their complete lack of awareness, self-absorption and insistence that their own beliefs allow them to convey this complete lack of insensitivity - and the overriding belief that they're the only ones doing things right. It's simply staggering.

What's more irritating is that they're a media sensation because of their controversy, and people talk about them as if they're important, when there's only 150 or so of them. I'm doing it now too. But ... absolutely stunning. Beyond belief. You can see some of their charming literature at the subtly entitled I know.

Just speechless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are a funny bunch, aren't they? Watched a long documentary on them and it was just mind blowing how convinced they were of the righteousness of their actions.